
What Group Started The Change Of Government In Poland?

The 1989 revolution created an opportunity for the resurgence of a democratic country in Poland. That is why the elections for local authorities that were held on 27 May 1990 were so important. It was a first step on the road to rebuilding democracy on a local level after nearly half a century of Communist rule.

by Tomasz Kozłowski

The Second Globe War and the occupation of Poland by German troops put an end to local governments. Information technology could not be rebuilt after the war, because the Communist authorities intended to introduce an extremely strict command over social issues. In 1950, a multi-level system was introduced, and included the so-chosen national councils. In fact, they were not only a local form of state power, they also remained subordinated to the ruling Communist political party – the Polish United Workers' Party. For several decades afterwards the war, nobody remembered what local government and grassroots republic were about.

The idea of ​​local government returned to the public contend in the early eighties, thanks to the Solidarity revolution. In 1980, after huge strikes took place across the country, the Communist authorities concluded agreements with the protesters. Thus the workers established  "Solidarity", which would prove to be far more than a trade union dealing with labor and social issues. Wedlock experts, often previously involved in the activities of the autonomous opposition, prepared a program for a comprehensive reconstruction of the socialist state. 1 of the elements of these reforms was the gradual reconstruction of local governments – a basic condition of ​​human rights acts – and as well a first pace on the path towards changing the Communist system. None of the leaders of Solidarity dared to hope that the Communists, who had the militia and the army at their disposal, would be removed from power. Furthermore, even if the opposition had these forces on their side, the armies of other Communist countries – with the Soviets at the fore – stood ready to intervene militarily to defend the system, as happened in Hungary in 1956 and in Czechoslovakia in 1968. Solidarity members hoped, nevertheless, that building grassroots republic would enable reforms without whatever fear of war machine intervention.

Gdańsk Lenin Shipyard in August 1980 (photograph by Krzysztof Korczyński; CC BY-SA iii.0 pl)

During its showtime nationwide congress in the autumn of 1981, Solidarity adopted its grand program, known every bit the Self-Governing Republic (Samorządna Rzeczpospolita). Particular emphasis was placed on restoring the mechanisms of democracy while limiting the power of the Communist party: "The Union expects that in the time to come this control will be exercised by the reborn Sejm and national councils, as well as workers' unions." A few weeks later, the union regime presented further ideas on irresolute the electoral constabulary for national councils, subsequently which they chosen on their members to class local groups, select their candidates and create election programs. Yet, these decisions were adopted shortly before the imposition of martial police force on 13 December 1981. In fright of a progressive revolution, the government decided to imprison leading merchandise union activists, ship the army onto the street and establish a armed forces dictatorship. This was headed by Full general Wojciech Jaruzelski, who was also the head of the Communist party, the Prime Government minister as well every bit the Minister of National Defense force. Martial law was the antithesis of democracy and self-governance. It wasn't until 1989 that the idea of ​​local government once once again became the field of study of political debate.

As a upshot of the compromise of the Round Table in June 1989, and partially free elections, Solidarity introduced its representatives to parliament. In the lower house (the Sejm) they held 35 percent of the seats. In the upper house (the Senate) they had secured exactly 99 percent. General Jaruzelski was surprised by the scale of Solidarity's success. Meanwhile, the Civic Parliamentary Order – formed by parliamentarians from the Solidarity lists – tried to keep the ball rolling.

Gen. Wojciech Jaruzelski with Nicolae Ceaușescu (public domain)

Bronisław Geremek, chairman of the Order, put the most accent on iii demands: granting Solidarity access to the mass media, restoring an independent judiciary, and, finally, changing the constabulary on local government and calling an election. As he explained, "the democratization procedure is to exist conducted from the bottom up." It was a return to the idea from before martial police; that the boundaries of freedom and commonwealth needed to exist broadened from their foundation, [and be] based on local communities. The realization of these demands became more probable in the face of the weakening position of the Communist political party, thus Solidarity succeeded in making its candidate the Prime Minister, namely Tadeusz Mazowiecki, a longtime advisor to the president of the matrimony – Lech Wałęsa. The new Prime Government minister, in his betrayal on 24 Baronial 1989, clearly spoke in favor of the project to rebuild local governments and announced that he would appoint a Minister without Portfolio.

The autumn of 1989 was marked past changes amidst those holding the greatest power in the state. The new Prime Minister formed the cabinet and gradually expanded the scope of his authority. The Communists found themselves on the defensive, which culminated in the dissolution of the Polish United Workers' Political party. Nevertheless, the revolution in "big politics" was not reflected at the local level – there the clique that had ruled for years remained in power. One of the leading politicians of Solidarity reported to his colleagues: "what is happening here at the cardinal level, all these democratization changes are non taken into account at the lesser. And in my stance, this nomenclature, [and] this [Communist] mafia, [all of] these various types of arrangements must be broken by local elections."

"Loftier Noon, June 4, 1989", Solidarity Citizens' Committee ballot affiche by Tomasz Sarnecki (fair use)

Citizens' Committees tried to make changes at the local level. Regional branches of Solidarity were established to prepare the campaign earlier the parliamentary elections in June 1989. Many of these committees did not dissolve, later on giving rise to the social movement. Interestingly, their mail service-election mobilization did not meet with a warm welcome from the Solidarity leadership. The union authorities were more interested in creating a centralized structure than in cooperating with an independent and fragmented social motility. However, social mobilization could no longer be stopped.

In October 1989, nearly 500 Committees were operating and in December 1989 – over a thou. At the time, Bohdan Jałowiecki. a sociologist of local communities, assessed that "Citizens' Committees are poorly structured internally and do non take political power. The bonding is above all, at to the lowest degree verbally, the ethos of Solidarity, the desire for profound changes in social life and the fight against the old order personified previously by the Communist party and at present by the classification." The committees tried to force local government to speed up changes, including personnel changes, but, without holding any new elections, their hands were tied. That is why the Committees began to put more pressure on the Prime number Minister and the Solidarity leadership.

Poster with the slogan "Solidarity comes dorsum", Gdynia, October 1989 (photograph by Janusz Uklejewski; CC Past-SA 4.0)

Prime Government minister Mazowiecki did non remain deaf to this telephone call, and he considered it fully justified. He was convinced that building local government was 1 of the about important political challenges facing his chiffonier. He had to find the correct man to behave out this difficult reform. The option cruel on Professor Jerzy Regulski, who throughout the eighties had conducted contained inquiry on the local government system. In his opinion, the opposition focused too much on building a ceremonious society: "This way of thinking in the long term had a serious drawback; a total lack of reflection on state reform. It is no accident that Balcerowicz's reform and our local regime came from exterior the opposition circles. Mainstream was going in a different direction. And, when in 1989, it all of a sudden turned out that the democratic opposition was to participate in regime, the situation was dramatic. The drawers were empty."

Withal, information technology turned out that Regulski's drawer was not completely empty. In 1989, he was a member of the Senate, where he was the chairman of the local government commission preparing future reforms. Moreover, he was too the founder of the Foundation for the Development of Local Republic, aiming to develop a comprehensive reform program. This initiative was politically supported by the United states of america administrator in Warsaw John Davies, and was co-financed, among others by the British Batory Fund (5,000 pounds) and the National Endowment for Democracy (42,000 dollars). Mazowiecki entrusted Regulski with the office of government plenipotentiary for local government reform. Regulski thus remembered the ancestry: "So I was to accept off with an ax to the moon. Only I knew that the most important thing was to go started."

Tadeusz Mazowiecki, November 1989; photo by Artur Klose; CC BY-SA 2.0

Regulski formed a team and together they began working on the concept of reform. Equally a person who had many contacts among local Solidarity activists, he confirmed the intuitions of the Prime Minister [regarding the need for local reform]. He pointed out that growing social pressure, widespread signals of the abuse of ability past local party machines seeking textile benefits, and the lack of legitimacy of current authorities for exercising power, suggested that the elections should exist held quickly. Regulski believed that the optimal time was June 1990. Among other things, these conclusions pushed the Prime number Minister to act faster. It was quite a surprise, probably even for Regulski, who mentioned years later: "The basic principle of the Mazowiecki's government's operation – in all spheres except the economic system – was circumspection (…). The only exception was local government reform."

At the outset of January 1990, Mazowiecki gathered a group of his closest advisors – together they decided that political reforms needed to exist accelerated. The Prime Minister explained: "Nosotros are entering a great period of state reform (…). The state will be inverse through the creation of  local regime as well as through the reform of the state administration. Information technology volition exist changed at the bones level (…) and its about important and strong foundations volition exist built." He clarified that these local authorities reforms were an opportunity to activate society and include information technology in the procedure of building democracy. Mazowiecki's decisive attitude in this affair was simply amazing.

When the Prime Minister presented his decision at the meeting of the Council of Ministers on 15 January 1990, even members of his cabinet were surprised. Jacek Kuroń, the Minister of Labor and Social Policy and a long-term oppositionist warned: "You cannot do economic, authoritative and any other chaos at the same time. No one volition be able to become anything washed (…) the decision to impose a second revolution on i revolution without training is a crazy decision for me." It certainly was a large challenge. Jerzy Regulski recalled years later: "The unabridged government administration (…) was against it. They blocked everything." However, the Prime Minister did not alter his opinion. The penny was dropped – President Jaruzelski and the chairman of Solidarity, Lech Wałęsa were also made aware about the idea. The latter even announced it publicly as his initiative. It was no longer possible to retreat.

May 1 1989 sit-in Solar day with the participation of the opposition and Jacek Kuroń (photograph by Andrzej Iwański; CC BY-SA 3.0)

In the following weeks, thanks to the cooperation of the government and the Senate, it was possible to create a legal framework for reform. At the beginning of March 1990, the parliament adopted an amendment to the constitution introducing a affiliate on local government. In the following weeks new legal solutions were developed regulating the system and the sectionalisation of tasks and competences between government administration and local government. As Regulski recalled: "this is when a triumvirate was created, actually there were iv people. I, as the regime'south plenipotentiary, Jerzy Stępień every bit the plenipotentiary of the commission supported past Mirosław Kulesza and Walerian Pańko from the parliamentary extraordinary committee." Thanks to this, a synergy was achieved, and, thanks to the patronage of Prime Minister Mazowiecki and Speaker of the Senate Andrzej Stelmachowski, the changes were passed quite quickly.

The basic unit of local government was the commune (gmina) – and its inhabitants were given the right to elect councils, which then selected executive authorities. Local elections were scheduled on 27 May 1990. The well-nigh popular were the Citizens' Committees. They had almost 42,000 candidates for councilors (30 percent of all applicants for a mandate). The widespread demand for change and social trust could exist seen later – every second elected councilor was associated with Solidarity, while a quarter were independent candidates. The only affair that might take been disappointing was the voter turnout – just over forty per centum.

Tadeusz Mazowiecki in 1989 (photograph past Chris Niedenthal/Forum)

The 1990 elections laid the foundation for the resurgence of local commonwealth. On the one hand, this was a gigantic change in the functioning of the country. 1 hundred thousand people were shifted from national government administration to local government, and hundreds of country-owned enterprises and millions of backdrop were managed by communes. On the other manus, it was a moment when many former democratic opposition activists entered local politics, who fifty-fifty today work for their communities. Unfortunately, later on conflicts in the bust of "Solidarity" bandage a shadow on the reform. When Tadeusz Mazowiecki stepped down as Prime Minister at the end of 1990, his local regime reform squad was dismissed, although they  had planned to correct and further develop their projection. Jerzy Regulski, the main creator of the success of the reform, used to recall years later: "I accept the feeling that some work remains unfinished."

Author: Tomasz Kozłowski – PhD in political sciences, employee of the History Research Office of Institute of National Remembrance

Transation: Alicja Rose & Jessica Sirotin


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